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Governance and Ethics


GSA Competencies and Levels

Financial Stewardship: L4, L5

Manage, allocate, and monitor financial resources in compliance with laws, regulations, and policies, with sufficient transparency and appropriate internal controls to ensure these resources are efficiently applied to meet organizational goals and objectives, while considering the Federal Government's fiduciary duty to the Nation.

Source: DOD FM Certification Program

Accountability: L4, L5

Holds self and others accountable for measurable high-quality, timely, and cost-effective results; determines objectives, sets priorities, and delegates work; accepts responsibility for mistakes; complies with established control systems and rules.

Source: CHCO Council Financial Management Competency Study

Flexibility: L4, L5

Is open to change and new information; adapts behavior or work methods in response to new information, changing conditions, or unexpected obstacles; effectively deals with ambiguity.

Source: CHCO Council Financial Management Competency Study

Focuses on developing understanding of corporate governance issues and ethical decision making.

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