Process Efficiency and Effectiveness
GSA Competencies and Levels
Business Process Improvement: L3, L4
Business Process Improvement is the best practice skillset associated with understanding, analyzing, and optimizing existing business processes. It is generally done by documenting/understanding current business processes, identifying issues, redesigning the processes to implement transformative improvements, and monitoring to ensure that the improvements work as designed. There are several specialized techniques and methodologies relevant to business process improvement. Employees should be knowledgeable of, have a basic proficiency in, and be experienced with implementing “Business Process Improvement.
Source: CHCO Council Financial Management Competency Study
Operational processes are designed to deliver exceptional value to customers and clients, both internal and external. However, over time inefficiencies creep in or new technology is created to improve processes. Designing and managing processes involves identifying bottlenecks, using appropriate metrics, and innovating to improve value, while managing variability. Lean management tools help to deliver value while identifying wasted time and activities.
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