Essentials of Doing Business with the Federal Government
The U.S. Government is a customer like no other. It has interests, and therefore needs, that differ from those of traditional commercial customers. Winning U.S. Government contracts is different. The compliance environment is different. The contract administration process is critically different. Even a contractor’s compliance with generally accepted accounting principles might not be enough to satisfy this demanding customer. To be successful in Government contracting, contractor employees must be familiar with the processes that control how Government contracting is conducted, as well as the risks they pose. Join PCI’s expert instructor Tim Sullivan as he explores these fundamental concepts of Government contracting.
This course consists of 11 sessions taking place on Wednesdays from 2:00pm – 3:30pm.
- CPEs – 19.8
- CEUs – 1.65
+ Features
- October 2– The Government as a Customer
- October 9- Statutes & Regulations that Guide the Contracting Process
- October 16- Procurement Integrity
- October 23 - Conflicts of Interest
- October 30 - Changes & Requests for Equitable Adjustments
- November 6- Terminations
- November 13 - Administering CMMC/FISMA/NIST Requirements
- November 20 - Subcontracting
- December 4- Timekeeping Issues
- December 11- Accounting Requirements
- December 18 - How Things Can Go Wrong
+ Designed For
If you are new to Government contracting, this is a must-see program!
+ Session Agenda
Session 1: September 4 – The Government as a Customer
In the first segment of PCI’s Executive Exchange series for 2023, we will discuss what it means to have the U.S. Government as a customer. Why should it be any different than selling to a large American corporation? Because the U.S. Government is a sovereign power, and sovereigns have different interests and rights than we do as individuals or as commercial entities. Knowing these important differences can have a huge impact on your success—if not your ability to survive–as a Government contractor. Join us on Wednesday, January 18, as our expert instructor Tim Sullivan explains many of the unusual aspects of doing business with Uncle Sam. If you are new to Government contracting, this is a must-see program!
Session 2: September 11 - Statutes & Regulations that Guide the Contracting Process
One of the most daunting aspects of selling to the U.S. Government is dealing with the complexities of the statutes and regulations that govern the contracting process. This can be especially challenging for companies that are either brand new to the business or have some sales to Uncle Sam but focus primarily on the commercial sector. In PCI’s February 1 edition of the Executive Exchange, Tim Sullivan will break down this daunting aspect of Government contracting and will highlight the areas that should be of most concern to contractors. Tim will also provide a useful guide to working with the Federal Acquisition Regulation, something that should serve you well going forward.
Session 3: September 18 - Procurement Integrity
Anyone who keeps up on the news knows that the world of Government contracting is not immune to scandals. Despite all of the statutes and regulations designed to prevent wrongdoing, some people just can’t avoid flying too close to the sun, and that includes both contractor and Government employees. On February 15, PCI’s Executive Exchange will focus on procurement integrity. Join PCI’s Tim Sullivan as he explains the laws and regulations that are designed to guarantee the integrity of the procurement process and what contractors can do to minimize their exposure to these embarrassing and, sometimes, career-ending, situations.
Session 4: September 25 - Conflicts of Interest
Recognizing and addressing potential conflicts of interest—before they blow up– may be one of the most valuable skills a Government contractor possesses. It can help avoid expensive and sometimes embarrassing protests and it should do wonders to enhance a contractor’s reputation with its Government customers. On March 1, PCI’s Executive Exchange program will focus on this very sensitive area. Our expert instructor, Tim Sullivan, will discuss the major issues that concern both the Government and contracting community alike, how those issues manifest themselves, and how they can be mitigated. This will be a practical discussion of a very important topic, so you don’t want to miss it!
Session 5: October 2 - Changes & Requests for Equitable Adjustments
The “Changes” clause is one of the most unusual features of a U.S. Government contract. In all but one important situation, it gives Uncle Sam the unilateral ability to change certain aspects of the deal, and it takes a savvy contractor to understand how to address the situation. In PCI’s March 15 edition of the Executive Exchange, Tim Sullivan will explain how the Changes clause works, how to recognize and address “constructive changes,” and understanding the differences between a “request for equitable adjustment” and a “claim.” This will be a nuts-and-bolts discussion of one of the most important clauses in Government contracting, so make sure to join us on the Ides of March!
Session 6: October 9 - Terminations
Session 7: October 16 - Administering CMMC/FISMA/NIST Requirements
Session 8: October 23 - Subcontracting
Session 9: October 30 - Timekeeping Issues
Session 10: November 6 - Accounting Requirements
Session 11: November 13 - How Things Can Go Wrong