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Accounting Analytics


GSA Competencies and Levels

Decision Support: L3, L4, L5

Knowledge of decision support theories, methods, and tools for identifying, synthesizing, representing, and evaluating the important aspects of a decision situation and prescribing the recommended course for decision makers and other stakeholders

Source: CHCO Council Financial Management Competency Study

Data Management: L3, L4

The science of analyzing raw data in order to make conclusions about that information. Data analytics techniques can reveal trends and metrics that would otherwise be lost in the mass of information. The presentation of data in pictorial or graphical format. Data management enables decision makers to see analytics presented clearly, so they can grasp difficult concepts or identify new patterns.

Source: OPM MOSAIC Competencies

Robotic Process Automation: L1, L2

Robotic process automation (RPA) refers to software that can be easily implemented to replace/perform basic, repetitive tasks across software applications. It is designed primarily to replace office-type functions (e.g. processing transactions, gathering and integrating data, responding to inquiries). RPA works like an intelligent digital assistant, doing routine onerous computer-based tasks that would otherwise “eat up” employees' time – thereby freeing employees to work on higher value activities. Employees should understand RPA, where it may be employed, how to implement it, gain experience using it, and share their knowledge among the workforce.

Source: None

This course involves the collection, storage, and processing of financial and non-financial data used to report information to internal and external users. The focus is on relational database systems to capture the business processes of an organization and the internal controls embedded in those processes.

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